Medical professionals withdrew their services for close to two months now, citing poor conditions of service, shortage of drugs and equipment, including consumables such as safety wear. This current deadlock has a tremendous effect on the ability by majority of citizens to access health care, thereby posing a huge threat on the right to life. Hounorable chairperson, it is regrettable that the Government of Zimbabwe, instead of focusing on adopting measures aimed at resolving these challenges, it has invested the much-needed resources into repression. The systematic targeting and harassment of those seeking to air their concerns is not progressive and will not take the country forward. We urge the Commission to encourage the Government of Zimbabwe to invest in genuine dialogue with its citizens in order to come up with a lasting solution to this crisis. We request the Honourable Commission to call upon the Government of Zimbabwe to respect, protect and fulfill its obligations under the Charter, and in particular to: 1.Cease the ongoing attacks against HRDs and union leaders; 2. Unconditionally withdraw all criminal charges against HRDs, civil society leaders and union leaders who were arrested for exercising their right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association; 3. Create an enabling environment for civil society work 4. Investigate all allegations of human rights violations, including abductions and torture and bring those responsible to account; 5. Ratify and domesticate the UN convention against torture and the Convention on the protection of all persons against enforced disappearances; 6. Adopt effective measures to resolve the current impasse with the medical personnel to ensure access to healthcare facilities by citizens; and 7. Come up with durable a solution to the on -going economic crisis Ends//

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