Deputy Chairman, Law Development Commission, Zimbabwe. Emai : CHAPTER 15:12 MENTAL HEALTH ACT Act 15/1996, 6/2000 22/2001, 23/2004 (s. 4); S.1. 92/1997, S.I. 430B/1999, 262/2007. ARRANGEMENT OF SECTIONS PART I P RELIMINARY Section 1. Short title and date of commencement. 2. Interpretation. 3. Persons not to be received or detained as patients except in accordance with this Act. PART II RECEPTION OF CERTIFIED P ATIENTS 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. Application for reception order. Magistrate may examine patient and shall obtain medical certificates. Magistrate may order apprehension of patient. Proceedings to be in private. Issue of reception order. Detention under reception order. Detention under reception order of patient in single care. Urgency applications. Magistrate or designated officer may order apprehension in certain cases. Powers and duties of police officers in regard to certain patients. Period of detention in urgency cases. Release of patient. Attorney-General ex officio curator ad litem of patients. Orders and reports to be submitted to Attorney-General and Registrar of High Court. Powers of judge on consideration of reception order and documents. Secretary may order patient’s removal to institution or other place. Particulars to be contained in medical certificates. Persons ineligible to sign medical certificates. Periodical reports on patients. Amendment of applications, orders and certificates. Power of superintendent to discharge patients. Appeal to Mental Health Review Tribunal. PART III P ROVISIONS R ELATING TO M ENTALLY D ISORDERED OR INTELLECTUALLY HANDICAPPED P ERSONS IN C USTODY 26. Power of magistrate to order examination and treatment of accused persons. 27. Procedure where person found mentally disordered or intellectually handicapped while under detention. 28. Procedure when person found mentally disordered or intellectually handicapped during preparatory examination or trial. 29. Procedure where person charged is found mentally disordered or intellectually handicapped at time of committing offence. 30. Procedure where convicted prisoner found to be mentally disordered or intellectually handicapped. 31. Attorney-General to be informed before discharge of certain patients. 32. Power of Attorney-General to withdraw charges. 33. Periodical reports on detained patients. 34. Transfer of patients detained under this Part. 35. Discharge of patients detained under this Part. 36. Appeal to Mental Health Review Tribunal in certain cases.

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