COPYRIGHT AND NEIGHBOURING RIGHTS ACT (AS AMENDED) 16. Protection of works that have been adapted or embodied in other works. 17. Acts restricted by copyright in literary and musical works. 18. Acts restricted by copyright in artistic works. 19. Acts restricted by copyright in audio-visual works. 20. Acts restricted by copyright in sound recordings. 21. Acts restricted by copyright in broadcasts. 22. Acts restricted by copyright in programme-carrying signals. 23. Acts restricted by copyright in published editions. PART III PERMITTED ACTS IN RELATION TO COPYRIGHT WORKS 24. Fair dealing for purposes of research or private study. 25. Educational use of copyright material. 26. Copies made to replace or conserve library or archival copies of works. 27. Use of anonymous or pseudonymous works. 28. Use of work for Parliamentary or judicial proceedings or inquiries. 29. Fair dealing for purposes of criticism, review or news reporting. 30. Publication of public speeches and articles of topical interest. 31. Quotations from copyright works. 32. Public readings and recitations. 33. Records made from sound-tracks. 34. Reconstruction of architectural works. 35. Reproduction of artistic works in public places. 36. Incidental inclusion of copyright material. 37. Ephemeral recordings. 38. Reproducing artistic work for purpose of advertising its sale. 39. Use of work for demonstration purposes. 40. Computer programs: back-up copies, decompilation, etc. 41. Recording of programmes and broadcasts for purposes of subsequent viewing or listening. 42. Private recording of musical works and sound broadcasts. 43. Acts done under statutory authority. 44. Prescribed dealings in copyright works. Act 11/2001 -2 Chapter 26:01

Select target paragraph3