Cap.22:,2l PUB["tc l)rier Maxrcg[,u1r{T N0. 112fi15 PUtsL,IC DIIBT MAI\AGEMENT ACT TCHAPTER 22:ZI] ARRA NGEMEI\i'I-. OF S E,C.TIONS PAR'I'I PrurlttvuNARll Se{tilrt 1. Short title. 2" Interpretation. 3. Public debt management objectives. PAKT II FUNC'rIoNS AI{D Anh,{tFlrsrRATIoN oF Fusr-rcr DEnr Msuec;Eh{h.ti'r OFI.rcE 4. Putrlic lle bt N{arragement Oftice. 5, Frurrctiolls of Putrlic l-)ebt Management Office. $, Principal Directur and staff of Putrlic l)ebt Management Office 7 . " External and Domestic Debt Management Committee. 8. Medium J'erm Debt Management Strategy. PART ItI LoeNs, Cul.nqwrrEs eNrr OrHen Covrnrrnrexrs 9- Responsibility of Office rurder Part III. 10. Interpretation in Part III. 11- Borrowing powers and limit. 12. Borrowing purposes. 13. Manner of raising State loans. 14. Certain State loans exempt from tax. 15. Proceeds of State loans. 16. Security for State loans and guarantees and expenses in connection therewith. 17. Repayment of State loans and payment of expenses in connection therewith. 18. Signing of loan agreements. 19. Repayment, conversion and consolidation of loans. 20. Power to give guarantees. 21. Payments in connection with guarantees. 22. Borrowing by local authorities and public entities. 23. Restrictions on borrowing, guarantees and other commitments. 24. Consequences of unauthorised transactions and how to exclude them. 25. Minister to be exempt from certain obligations. 101 DISTRIBUTED BY VERITAS e-mail:; website: Veritas makes every effort to ensure the provision of reliable information, but cannot take legal responsibility for information supplied.

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