Judgment No. SC 54/2018 Case No. SC 228/14 REPORTABLE (44) CITY OF HARARE v FARAI MUSHORIWA SUPREME COURT OF ZIMBABWE PATEL JA, UCHENA JA & ZIYAMBI AJA HARARE, 25 SEPTEMBER 2017 & 20 SEPTEMBER 2018 F. Girach, for the appellant T. Mpofu, for the respondent PATEL JA: This is an appeal against the judgment of the High Court granting a provisional order in favour of the respondent pursuant to an urgent chamber application filed by the latter. The relevant factual background is as follows. In May 2013, the appellant sent to the respondent a bill of $1,700 for water services rendered. The respondent disputed the bill claiming that it related to a bulk meter not connected to his leased premises. On 31 May 2013, the appellant disconnected the respondent’s water supply. The respondent then filed an urgent chamber application to restore his water supply pending the resolution of the dispute. At the time when this appeal was heard, the respondent had vacated the premises in question. DISTRIBUTED BY VERITAS e-mail: veritas@mango.zw; website: www.veritaszim.net Veritas makes every effort to ensure the provision of reliable information, but cannot take legal responsibility for information supplied. 1

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