About the Report This report is a compilation of emerging conflicts and rising tensions in Zimbabwe, with a particular focus on rural communities. While the report may not be exhaustive, it records current conflict trends and their causes. It identifies different types of human rights violations within different communities. The information can be used to assist in early warning and early response processes and also useful to peace building and conflict transformation institutions who aim to build community social cohesion. Methodology Heal Zimbabwe documents reports of violence and human rights violations from across Zimbabwe. The reports are a result of solicited and unsolicited data which is independently verified to establish facts before publication. Solicited data is systematically collected through trained Human Rights Monitors supported by Heal Zimbabwe. The monitors report on different types of conflicts and violations obtaining in their communities. The data collected is verified through a monitoring system including spot checks, consultation with the police, traditional leaders’ courts, media and local government authorities. Heal Zimbabwe We envision a peaceful and prosperous Zimbabwe that celebrates diversity within local communities. Our mission is to prevent and transform conflicts with a particular focus on social justice and human rights. 1

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