1. Introduction Heal Zimbabwe conducted a snap survey in March 2016 to establish the level of knowledge among the Zimbabwean populace regarding the National Peace and Reconciliation Commission (NPRC) as the government designs enabling legislation that operationalizes the commission. The study was prompted by the government’s embarking on public consultations for the NPRC Bill without having raised awareness about (i) the constitutional functions of the NPRC and (ii) providing the draft national healing legislation to the public before any soliciting for public views. The NPRC is constitutionally mandated to facilitate national peace, healing, reconciliation and integration in Zimbabwe. This justifies the importance of assessing the extent to which people know or understand the existence of the country’s healing mechanism firstly in the constitution and secondly as an issue before parliament. Research participants were randomly selected during Heal Zimbabwe public meetings and non-HZT platforms. Deliberate efforts were made to collect responses from diverse communities and groups to improve the representativeness of the sample. A total of 230 people from 6 provinces, participated in the study. The study found out that 79% of the participants did not know about the NPRC or ever remember getting information about the existence of the NPRC draft Bill –gazetted on the 18th of December 2015. 2. Knowledge about the National Peace and Reconciliation Commission Most Zimbabweans hardly know about the constitutionally provided Independent Commissions (Chapter 4 of the Constitution) which makes it difficult for them to seek justice and reconciliation in a more informed way. Only 54% of 189 participants indicated that they have ever heard about the National Peace and Reconciliation Commission. Among the participants who said they once heard about the NPRC, most of them were able to demonstrate that they know the duties and responsibilities of the NPRC.  Have you ever heard about the National Peace and Reconciliation Commission (NPRC)? Response YES NO Total Frequency 102 87 189 Percentage 54 46 100  If YES, what are the NPRC’s responsibilities? Most of the respondents were aware of the general responsibilities of the NPRC. These included violence prevention, promoting peace building and reconciliation by educating communities on reconciliation and national healing issues. However, it must be noted most of the respondents gave general responsibilities that do not necessarily fall under the commission and without elaborating on the specific responsibilities for the commission. Some of the responsibilities wrongly attributed to the NPRC by participants are constitutionally provided for under the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission, the Judicial Services Commission and the Zimbabwe Human Rights Commission. This further buttresses the idea that the majority of the citizens are not aware of the responsibilities of the NPRC and its difference with other Commissions established in the Constitution. 1

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