Human Rights Zimbabwe NGO Forum August 2016 Number 120 English The role of the media printed material. Although the use and Introduction reliance on print media has declined over This bulletin explains the role of the media in a the years, most people still read democratic society. Media is the cornerstone of newspapers. any democracy. The term media is derived from b. Broadcast media: These are news reports the word medium, meaning mode or carrier. It is broadcast via radio and television intended to reach and address a large target c. T h e I n t e r n e t : I n c l u d e e l e c t r o n i c group or audience. Media influences society in a newspapers and social media such as number of ways. It is through the media that facebook, twitter and cell phones. society is kept updated and informed about The role of the media what is happening around them and the world. In general media is responsible for information Media plays an important role in a democratic dissemination, education, entertainment and society. It has been described as the 'Fourth advertising. Over the years the media has Estate', 'agenda setter', 'watchdog', 'force evolved to become more active in shaping the multiplier' and 'gatekeeper'. All these social, political and economic lives of descriptions demonstrate the influence of the individuals and societies. media in all spheres of life. The following are some of the roles played by the media: Types of media There are basically three types of media namely: § Informing the public on what is going on a. Print media: refers to the traditional or the thereby creating and shaping public oldest form of media that include, opinion; newspapers, magazines, books and any 1 Building National Commitment Towards a Human Rights Culture

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