'l .0 l.l INTRODUCTION As port of its oversight role, the Themotic Commitiee on Humon Rights conducted on inquiry into the stote of humon rights in Zimbobwe in order to hove on in-depth oppreciotion of the subject moiier. 1.2 The government of Zimbobwe must be commended for hoving embroced the spirit of the respect, promotion ond fulfillment of humon rights through the rotificoiion of o number of regionol ond internotionol insiruments. .l.3 Some of the key humon rights instruments thot come to mind include the Africon Chorter on humon ond Peoples' rights {ACHPR), the Convention on the Eliminotion of oll forms of Discriminotion ogoinst Women (CEDAW), the Internotionol Covenont on Civil ond Politicol Righis {ICCPR) ond the lnternotionol Covenoni on Economic, sociqlond Culturol Rights (ICESCR). 1.4 fhe stote hos olso token legislotive, policy qnd odministrotive steps, to some extent, io give furl.her legol sofeguords to the enjoyment of the rights contoined in the vorious regionol ond internotionql instruments ihot the country is porly to. A good exomple is the Constitution of Zimbobwe 20]3 thot provides on exponsive bill of rights thot strengihens the vorious civil ond politicol rights ond includes protective provisions of some economic, sociol ond culiurol dghis thot were not previously justicioble. .l.5 However, it is pertinent io note thot there hove been some violotions of sociol ond economic righis os well os civil ond politicol rights due to q number of foctors. Key drivers for ihe violotions include the deterioroting economic situotion ond the Elnino induced drought, the ongoing politicol polorizotion. 2.A OBJECTIVES ln iis inquiry the Committee wos guided by the following objectives; 2.1 To oppreciote the stote of Humon Rights in Zimbobwe 2.2 To ossess the levels of public confldence in the governmeni's enforcement mechonism of fundomentql humon righis ond freedoms. 2.4 To oppreciote the chollenges being foced by the Zimbobwe Humon Rights Commission in the execution of its mondote, if ony; ond

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