people to organize themselves for effective participation and input into development processes. This must be coupled with robust education and training for young people’s effective participation. It is equally important to utilize effective affirmative action tools such as introducing a quota system for young women in leadership position, much in the same way as this has been used as an empowerment tool for women in leadership. 3.2 EDUCATION AND SKILLS DEVELOPMENT The National Youth Policy affirms that education and skills development are lifelong processes that are relevant to the holistic and integrated development of youth. In the words of former South African president and apartheid struggle icon Nelson Mandela, education is the most powerful weapon in the fight for development.’ It is therefore critical that the priority by stakeholders towards according young people an opportunity to having basic education up to first tertiary qualification is actualized. Key milestones in the realization of this strategic goal include the review of education and training curricula towards a more practical as well as entrepreneurial thrust, that is also responsive to the realities of Zimbabwe, political, economically and socially. This should be done side by side with the expansion and equipping of education and training centres with modern and up-to-date facilities that are in line with global standards of educations, also taking into consideration the

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