Constitution Watch 9/2017 After impeachment, what then? 20 November If therefore Parliament does resolve in terms of section 97 of the Constitution that Mr Mugabe should be removed from office, the consequences will be: • Mr Mugabe immediately ceases to hold office as President. • Mr Mphoko, the sole Vice-President, will take over as Acting President. The fact that Mr Mphoko may be in detention or outside the country does not matter: his assumption of office will be automatic, and will not depend on his taking an oath of office. [If Mr Mphoko is persuaded to resign or is impeached this will not happen, because he will cease to be Vice-President upon his resignation or the passing of the impeachment motion.] Even if Mr Mphoko does not resign or is not impeached, his term of office as Acting President may be fleeting, and will depend on how soon ZANU-PF can notify the Speaker that it has nominated Mr Mnangagwa as Mr Mugabe’s successor. This may be no longer than the time it takes for the party’s Chief Whip to walk to the Speaker’s chair and hand in the nomination notice. Once that is done, Mr Mnangagwa will become President [not acting President] and will assume office when he is sworn in by the Chief Justice in terms of paragraph 14(5) of the Sixth Schedule to the Constitution. What Happens Thereafter The new President will hold office until the next general election, which should be held not later than the 23rd August 2018. Upon the assumption of office by the new President – i.e. when he is sworn in – all current Ministers and Deputy Ministers will go out of office in terms of section 108(1)(c) of the Constitution. They will however be eligible for re-appointment when the new President appoints his own Ministers. It is hoped that the he will reduce the number in what has been an unnecessarily large Cabinet. And what happens to Mr Mugabe? That remains to be seen. Veritas makes every effort to ensure reliable information, but cannot take legal responsibility for information supplied To subscribe or unsubscribe from this mailing list please email If you wish to contact Veritas please email If you are requesting legislation please email or look for it on follow us on (+263 71 893 3633)

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