AGENDA 2063 The Africa We Want 7. Africa is self-confident in its identity, heritage, culture and shared values and as a strong, united and influential partner on the global stage making its contribution to peace, human progress, peaceful co-existence and welfare. In short, a different and better Africa. 8. We are confident that Africa has the capability to realise her full potential in development, culture and peace and to establish flourishing, inclusive and prosperous societies. We thus, commit to act together towards achieving the following aspirations: OUR ASPIRATIONS FOR THE AFRICA WE WANT 1. A prosperous Africa based on inclusive growth and sustainable development 2. An integrated continent, politically united and based on the ideals of Pan-Africanism and the vision of Africa’s Renaissance 3. An Africa of good governance, democracy, respect for human rights, justice and the rule of law 4. A peaceful and secure Africa 5. An Africa with a strong cultural identity, common heritage, shared values and ethics 6. An Africa whose development is people-driven, relying on the potential of African people, especially its women and youth, and caring for children 7. Africa as a strong, united and influential global player and partner ASPIRATION 1. A prosperous Africa based on inclusive growth and sustainable development 9. We are determined to eradicate poverty in one generation and build shared prosperity through social and economic transformation of the continent. 10. We aspire that by 2063, Africa shall be a prosperous continent, with the means and resources to drive its own development, with sustainable and long-term stewardship of its resources and where: • African people have a high standard of living, and quality of life, sound health and well-being; • Well educated and skilled citizens, underpinned by science, technology and innovation for a knowledge society is the norm and no child misses school due to poverty or any form of discrimination; • Cities and other settlements are hubs of cultural and economic activities, 2

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