ZIMBABWE ELECTION SUPPORT NETWORK NATIONAL WORKSHOP ON CONFLICT MANAGEMENT MECHANISMS WORKSHOP RECOMMENDATIONS Harare, Zimbabwe 30 – 31 July 2008 I. PREAMBLE Mindful of joint civil society resolutions on various issues including elections; Having deliberated on the conduct of the 2008 Harmonized Election and Presidential Runoff Election from various perspectives; Having drawn from the experience of other countries in the SADC region, particularly Kenya; Taking cognisant of the current political developments and the need for further electoral reforms in Zimbabwe, participants of the Zimbabwe Election Support Network’s National Workshop on Electoral Conflict Management and Electoral Reform resolved as follows: II. RECOMMENDATIONS Regarding aspects of the political and electoral environment which have a bearing on election outcomes, it was recommended as follows: Media It was agreed that the role of the media is to objectively provide equal and impartial coverage of events and issues for all election contestants. Equal access to state media for all political parties in the form of both news coverage as well as campaign advertisements was noted as critical. It was further recommended that there should be no selective accreditation of media houses or journalists to cover elections, particularly foreign media. To ensure the people have access to information, it was agreed that there was real need for opening up of the airwaves to other players. It was recommended that lawmakers revisit the Broadcasting Services Act to ensure that the law translates to practice in the broadcasting arena. The meeting also recommended the reduction of import duty on regional media as this had a negative impact on citizen’s access to information. 1

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