1. Introduction We, your Shepherds, have reflected on Zimbabwe's 2015/2016 food security crisis caused by many factors including climate change, our disregard for the environment and policy deficiency. In the light of the Word of God and Christian Social Teaching, we provide some guidance, light and hope in these difficult times. 2. Poverty, hunger and food insecurity 2.1. Approximately 1.5 million Zimbabweans (16% of rural households) may not be able to meet their food needs during the 2015/2016 hunger season. 2.2. Most of the rural households are finding it difficult to purchase food at the market, even if available. 2.3. The orphaned, elderly, unemployed, HIV infected and affected, female and child headed households and other vulnerable groups are getting poorer due to food scarcity. 3. Climate Change a reality 3.1. In June 2015, Pope Francis issued an Encyclical Letter entitled LAUDATO SI': Praise Be to You, indicating that climate change is now a reality on which all need to act from our various levels — whether individual, communal, national, regional or global. Among some of the most important points highlighted in the Encyclical are that: Climate change is real and is getting worse; Human beings are a major contributor to climate change; Climate change disproportionately affects the poor; We can and must make things better; and Individuals can help, but politicians must take the lead. 3.2. Pope Francis writes that the environment, “our common home”, is in an ecological crisis because of “the harm we have inflicted on her by our irresponsible use and abuse of the goods with which God has endowed her” (Laudato Si no. 2). The earth is burdened and laid waste, groans in travail with sickness as evidenced in the soil, in the water, in the air and in all forms of life. As Zimbabweans we should acknowledge our contribution to the

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