This session also revealed to the Secretariat that most people do not know the contents of Chapter 4 which also affects how people exercise and claim their rights. Mr.Nkau emphasised that human rights that were violated during upheavals can be redressed by approaching the courts, Chapter 12 Commissions and the police for redress. Mr.Nkau put emphasis on the Commission’s mandate to deal with the past, promote peace, support democracy and entrench a culture of human rights as articulated under Section 252. Against this background, the Commission is mandated to carry-out its work by being victim-centred and is obligated to be accountable and accessible to all citizen particularly those who are survivors of past atrocities. He added that its main concern, as outlined under section 52 of the Constitution, is to ensure post-conflict justice, peace, healing and reconciliation. Mr.Nkau then highlighted that Commissioner Lesley Ncube oversees the Matabeleland provinces and is also chairing the Provincial Peace Committee (PPC) for the same. He added that he can be approached and appraised on the problems communities are facing due to past conflicts. Why Zimbabwe needs the NPRC: This session engaged survivors on why Zimbabwe needs the Commission. Mr. Nkau guided participants in this discussions and the main issues that came out of the discussion were:  We need the Commission to facilitate an apology for violations of the past.  The Commission is needed for the restoration of the dignity of Ndebele people.  The Commission is critical for information gathering.  The NPRC needs to know and also educate the public on what happened in Matabeleland and when it happened, who was affected and how this can be resolved.  The NPRC is needed to create safe spaces for people where they can share their experiences and get healing. The Secretariat distributed 31 Guides to understanding the NPRC and 24 participants manuals so that participants familiarise themselves with the NPRC then they use the participant’s manual to disseminate that information to others in the community. The NTJWG anticipates the project to have a ripple effect by raising awareness on the work of the NPRC in marginalised areas. Group work Participants were split into 3 groups. Group 1 focused on a question entitled “If you have issues related to the NPRC, how do you approach the Commission?” 4

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