CIVIL A VIATIO'i AME:\D~IENT 2018 No.lO ZIMBABWE ACT To amend the Civil Aviation Act [Chapter 13:1 6] (No.7 of 1998): to provide for the spinning off of certain functions of the Authority to a new entity called the Airports Company of Zimbabwe (Private) Limited; and to provide for matters connected with or incidental thereto. ENACTED by the Parliament and the President of Zimbabwe. 1 Short title This Act may be cited as the Civil AviationAmendmentAct,2018 (No. l 0 of20l8). 2 Amendment of section 2 of Cap. 24:20 Section 2 ("Interpretation") of the Ci vii Aviation Act [Chapter 13: J6 J (hereinafter called "the principal Act") is amended(a) by the insertion of the following definitions""air nm igation'' means the science and technology of determining the position of an aircraft with respect to the surface of the earth and accurately maintaining a desired course: "air navigation facility" means any facility used in. available for usc in. or designed for usc in aid of, air navigation, including airports, landing areas. lights, any apparatus or equipment for disseminating weather information, for signalling. for radio directional finding, or for radio or other electromagnetic communication, and any other structure or mechanism having a similar purpose for guiding or controlling flight in the air or the landing and takc-o!l of aircraft: ·--- ---------------- Printed hv the Gol'emment Printer, Harare 4!9 DISTRIBUTED BY VERITAS e-mail:; website: Veritas makes every effort to ensure the provision of reliable information, but cannot take legal responsibility for information supplied.

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