Transitional Justice Briefing – Feb to March 2019
The NTJWG consolidated the June-September, 2018 and October- December, 2018 Newsletters which are critical
in informing Zimbabweans on the work of the NPRC and NTJWG. Newsletters are also a culmination to the
NPRC Watch. They are available on the NTJWG website. This newsletter highlights activities carried out
between February and March 2019.
March 2019 Newsletter
Stakeholders’ Consultative and Feedback Meeting
20 Feb 2019
On the 20 th of February, the NTJWG convened a
meeting with stakeholders in Bulawayo to reflect onthe work of the Working Group in 2018 and to also map
the way forward for 2019.
The discussions were based on the real and perceived threats to transitional justice processes happening
across the country and how the NTJWG can be organised to respond to these pertinent issues. The meeting
was facilitated by Mr. Brian Kagoro and attended by 12
participants in total.
Radio programme on Skyz-FM in Bulawayo
22 February 2019
On the 22 nd of February, the Working Group, with
its stakeholders, had a radio programme on Skyz
Metro FM, discussing on the national and regional
transitional justice strategy for 2019. The program
consisted of the 1 st of August 2018 shooting and the
January 2019 shutdown protests. It also popularised
the NTJWG transitional justice advocacy strategy and
linked it to the pending issues in the Matabeleland
region. The conversation gave citizens an opportunity
to input into the policy, making the process inclusive.
Panellists were Rev. Motsi (NTJWG), Annah Moyo
(CSVR) and Mthokozisi Ndebele (WILD Trust).
NTJWG Strategic Planning Retreat
21 – 22 February 2019
From the 21 st to 22 nd of February, the NTJWG in
partnership with CSVR, met to develop the Working
Group’s strategic framework for 2019 and beyond,
building on the momentum of the Transitional Justice Policy Symposium convened in November 2018, in
Bulawayo. The draft report for the strategic planning
meeting is now with the NTJWG members for review
and is due for publication in April, 2019.
International Women’s Day
8 March 2019
On the 8 th of March, the NTJWG joined UN Women,
ZWLA, ZCC and other stakeholders to discuss pertinent issues related to gender-based violence. The
event which was held to commemorate International
Women’s Day was attended by 51 participants. During
the meeting, it was agreed that there is need to use
innovative techniques such as technology to pursue
gender equality and to quell violence against women.
The (National Transitional
Justice Working Group)
NTJWG produced the 5 th
and is in the process of
producing the 6 th and 7 th
Editions of the (National
Peace and Reconciliation
Commission’s) NPRC
Watch. These documents
capture the work of the
NPRC in particular and other transitional justice
processes in general. These
documents are available
on the NTJWG website for