NATIONAL TRANSITIONAL JUSTICE WORKING GROUP ZIMBABWE NPRC BRIEFING The National Peace & Reconciliation Commission | 04 November 2018 Ensure Independent, Competent and Well- Resourced Secretariat for the NPRC ABOUT THIS BRIEFING The National Peace and Reconciliation Commission (NPRC) is one of 5 independent commissions established by the Constitution of Zimbabwe to entrench a culture of human rights and d e m o c r a c y. S e c t i o n 2 5 1 o f t h e Constitution established the NPRC. Section 252 outlines the ten functions of the NPRC which include ensuring postconflict justice, healing and reconciliation. (For more information about the NPRC, see “A Guide to Understanding the NPRC”, published by the NTJWG (2018). The guide is available on Section 234 of the Constitution gives the NPRC power to hire and fire their own Secretariat. This means that the Commission must develop: a recruitment policy, needs assessment and job descriptions; and, advertise and hire competent staff without being directed by anyone. The Procedures On 5 January 2018, the government p r o m u l g a t e d t h e N a t i o n a l Pe a c e a n d Reconciliation Commission Act [10:32] (The Act). Section 14 of the Act provides that the Commission shall, in consultation with the Minister (responsible for national healing) and the Minister responsible for Finance, create the Commission's staff establishment. This must not be understood to mean that the named Minister can influence who the NPRC can recruit as this would be a violation of section 234 of the Constitution and would severely compromise the NPRC. The named Ministers can only offer the necessary administrative support since this process is funded from treasury. Sections which follow provide further detail about the establishment of the Commission’s staff. The National Transitional Justice Working Group (NTJWG) views the Secretariat of the NPRC as central to the NPRC processes and key to the integrity of the NPRC itself. It is in this regard that we issue this briefing as the process of recruiting NPRC Secretariat has started. It is our hope that the views we share here will be well received by the NPRC as they can only benefit their work and the people of Zimbabwe. 1 ENSURE INDEPENDENT, COMPETENT AND WELL - RESOURCED SECRETARIAT FOR THE NPRC

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