The Recruitment Process So Far On 14 June 2018, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) advertised for a recruitment firm to assist in the recruitment of the NPRC’s Executive Secretary. The Notice, PRC/ZWE/RFP/1874/6/14/2018 was featured on the UNDP website ( 7256). The bid was won by Industrial Psychology Consultants (IPS) a Harare based employment agency. On 7 October 2018, IPS advertised the position of Executive Secretary for the NPRC in the Fi n a n c i a l G a z e t t e , a f i n a n c i a l w e e k l y publication, with a two week window. On 21 October 2018, the advert appeared in the Sunday Mail with the deadline extended to 26 October 2018. On 30 October 2018, the NPRC announced through their twitter account that they had received the green light from Treasury to recruit 32 of its 103 staff before end of the year. MINIMUM STANDARDS In November 2014, NTJWG published the Minimum Standards for an Effective National peace and Reconciliation Commission. In these Standards, NTJWG noted the question of will serve as the Secretariat of the NPRC is very critical. We noted that it is critical to ensure that the people who will serve in the Secretariat are not accused persons, potential suspects, witnesses, or individuals with a possible blemish in respect of past violations. The Minimum Standards further state that; It will be a violation of the NPRC’s constitutional independence for any organ of the state or another body to try to influence who will serve the Secretariat of NPRC. It will also be a violation of the NPRC independence for the state to influence the remuneration policy for Commissioners and Secretariat. It will severely affect the integrity of the NPRC if persons associated with organisations reputed for violation of human rights find themselves in the secretariat of the NPRC. A rigorous vetting process must be undertaken during the hiring process. (NTJWG, 2014:07) We would never have said it any better today, than four years ago. The role of the Secretariat can never be overemphasised for it is the infrastructure that drives the work of the NPRC. Below, we identify three critical principles that can make or break the Secretariat of the NPRC. i. Independence The NPRC is burdened with the duty to exorcise the nation of the curse of violence. This includes dealing with very sensitive issues that may implicate some of our current leaders. The expectation or threshold of independence for NPRC is above that expected of any other body. This independence has been questioned before and the NPRC has the duty to rise above these questions and show the nation that they are beyond the politics that may threaten their agenda. In a number of meetings with stakeholders, survivors of past violations have raised a case with the reality that the NPRC was originally located in the Office of the President at Club Chambers and being served by the Secretariat from the Office of the President and Cabinet, which formerly used to serve the Organ on National Healing Reconciliation and Integration (ONHRI). At a briefing meeting, the NPRC assured stakeholders that such an arrangement was only temporary and that the Commission was taking steps to establish itself, independent of Office of the President and Cabinet. The shadow of the Office of the President and Cabinet, which also houses the Central Intelligence Organisation (CIO) hangs over the work of the NPRC. As the NPRC takes steps to establish its independent offices and Secretariat, this is the perfect opportunity to ensure that it rises beyond the suspicions and engages a truly independent Secretariat. In the Minimum Standards, we noted that persons associated with organisations reputed for violation of human rights must never be associated with the NPRC. Indeed, many survivors also do associate some government departments with gross violation of human rights. A thorough vetting process must be conducted on the prospective Secretariat to ensure that they possess the integrity necessary to maintain the independence of the NPRC. 2 ENSURE INDEPENDENT, COMPETENT AND WELL - RESOURCED SECRETARIAT FOR THE NPRC

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