Education Amendment Act, 2006
Amendment of section 3 of Cap 25:04
Section 3 of the principal Act is amended by the repeal of subsection (1) and the
substitution of—
"(1) This Act shall apply to all Government and non-Government schools, and
Correspondence and Independent Colleges.".
New section substituted for section 21 of Cap 25:04
Section 21 of the principal Act is repealed and the following is substituted—
21 Fees and levies payable at non-Government schools
(1) Subject to this section, no responsible authority shall(a) charge any fee or levy; or
(b) increase any fee or levy;
in respect of any pupil attending a non-Government school, unless it makes prior
application there of to the Secretary in writing, setting out the full details of the fee or
levy or increase thereof, and the Secretary has approved the fee or levy or increase
thereof, as the case may be.
(2) The Secretary shall approve any increase of fees or levies if the increase is
sought in respect of the next term of the non-Government school concerned and the
fees and levies(a) do not exceed the percentage increase in the cost of living from the beginning
to the end of the preceding term as indicated by the Consumer Price Index
published by the Central Statistics Office; and
(b) for day school students who are provided with meals are not more than forty
per centum of the fees or levies paid by boarding students; and
(c) for day school students who are not provided with meals at the school are not
more than thirty per centum of the fees or levies paid by boarding students.
(3) No responsible authority of a non-Government school may seek to increase
fees or levies in excess of the level specified under subsection (2) unless its proposal
has been approved by a majority of the parents at a meeting of the School Parents
Assembly attended by not less than twenty per centum of the parents.
(4) Where the responsible authority of a non-Government school proposes to
increase fees or levies in excess of the level specified under subsection (2), it shall
make prior application therefor to the Secretary in writing, setting out the full details of
the increase and the basis upon which is it calculated, together with proof that its
proposal has been approved in accordance with subsection (3).
(5) The Secretary shall, without delay, consider any application made in terms of
subsection (4) and, if he or she is satisfied that the proposed increase is fair and
reasonable, having regard to(a) the costs of operating and maintaining the school; and
(b) any programme for improving the facilities provided at the school; and
Act 2/2006