         since its establishment. It appeared from the discussion that although some organizations had been present when the NPRC has unveiled its strategy others were not; The Provincial Peace Committees that the NPRC set up are a welcome step in the right direction and indicate the willingness of the NPRC to decentralize; The government seems increasingly intent on over-regulating people and how they exercise their rights; The criminal persecution of human rights defenders has become increasingly prevalent; The operating environment is unstable and not conducive to the promotion of human rights work. This is amplified by public statements by government officials meant to intimidate NGOs; It seems people are willing to engage with the NPRC although they are a bit skeptical about it amidst concerns of governmental interference with the Commission. It was concluded that now would be an ideal time for the NPRC to assert its independence and gain credibility in the eyes of the public; The government’s intolerance when it comes to day to day issues such as people’s freedoms of association and assembly and the human rights violations that occur as a result of the tolerance make it difficult to even begin to address historical violations; The space for engagement in communities is shrinking just as much as civil space is shrinking amidst fear of persecution. It was however said that this varies from each community to the next with other communities being more willing to engage while in others the fear is very evident and translates to an unwillingness to engage; There is a lack of information in many communities not just on the NPRC but transitional justice issues in a broad sense and There is a power matrix that is making it difficult to engage with the public especially in rural communities. It was said that local authorities in some communities intimidate people to stop them from talking about local issues. Participants noted that such intimidation is only possible because the government has fostered a culture of intimidation and instilling fear. Stakeholder Mapping The stakeholder mapping exercise was done by asking all the participants to share briefly what their organization does in general, then what they do specifically in the sphere of transitional justice and their geographical sphere of influence. This exercise aimed to give the NTJWG an 3

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